
Trent Kenworthy, FNP-C

Medical Weight Loss Expert

A Dynamic Approach To Weight Loss

Trent is a Nurse Practitioner and weight loss expert with experience working in plastic surgery, body sculpting and medical weight loss clinics around Utah. He has performed over 1,000 liposuction and body sculpting procedures, with a specialized skill-set for minimally invasive lipo that is safer and has a faster recovery time than traditional methods. Trent also has experience in weight loss management, including semaglutide medication, and has helped hundreds of patients reach their weight loss goals through his programs. He handles all consults, appointments and follow ups personally.   


And $1,000 off your first treatment!* 

Start the new year off right with immediate weight loss results from the most experienced liposuction team in Southern Utah! 

*Discount applies to any three treatment areas or more. 

Call us at 435-680-3376 for details


Semaglutide has become the standard in medical assisted weight loss and at Utah weight loss we offer a variety of ways to access this medication. We offer counseling, diet and exercise tips and personal training to get the maximum value from the medicine. We also offer just the prescription for those who would like to save money or have access to their own resources. If you’re interested in Semaglutide or Trizepatide, we have an interview process and if this medicine is a good fit for your goals, it will be delivered right to your home!

Weekly injection that lowers blood sugar and has off-brand effectiveness for weight loss

  • In-office consultation and medical clearance

  • Weekly shots delivered to your home

  • Reduces urges for impulse eating

  • Effective tool in weight loss for qualified patients

  • Ongoing monitoring and support


Minimally Invasive Liposuction

Liposuction has been the gold standard of a jumpstart and Body Sculpting technique for many years. Not all providers and Equipment are the same, however. At Utah Weight Loss, Trent Kenworthy FNP, and Dr Daren Brooks, have many hundreds of procedures logged between them with excellent results! While we cannot publicly post photos online, we would be happy to show you pre and post-procedural photos during your consultation. For those looking to slim down certain areas like outer thighs, arms, chin, upper flanks, bra line, banana folds, abdomen, laxity following pregnancy, and a host of other areas, liposuction can be an excellent solution. We have state-of-the-art equipment, an exceptional procedure room that offers intimacy and professional results. Schedule your appointment today and speak with our consultant Andrea who has helped many hundreds of men and women through the entire liposuction process. We look forward to helping you lose those inches and slim down those areas in one afternoon!

Cropped of plastic surgeon hands checking afro woman belly before beauty procedure, liposuction concept
  • Personalized consultation

  • State-of-the-art Technology

  • Hundreds of successful treatments done

  • Treat abdomen and flanks

  • Treat bra-roll and banana folds

  • Treat thighs and arms

Fat Transfers

Fat transfer is just like the name states. Fat cells are removed and then transferred from one area of the body to another. While there are many techniques that have been developed over the years, we use our liposuction technique to remove the fat cells, maintain them in a sterile field, and then quickly re-insert these cells into an area where the client wants more volume. The most common fat transfer, and the one we specialize in, is to remove fat from the abdome or lower body and transfer those cells back to the chest. Because this is all of your own tissue, the potential complications are generally much easier for the client to manage. This procedure is done under very mild sedation and is surprisingly tolerable. Other breast augmentation procedures require general anesthesia and carry a different set of possible complications.

darren brooks

Dr. Daren Brooks

Medical Weight Loss Expert

As the owner of the bridge and former physiology director of the National Institute of Fitness, Dr Brooks has over 30 years experience and weight loss and fitness! He has completed multiple full distance Ironman events as well as other long distance athletic events and loves the challenge of creating a body and mind to perform at their optimum levels. He is involved directly with the recommendations and counseling for all patients at Utah weight loss and we’ll help you customize your program to benefit your goals and lifestyle and available. He has also performed multiple liposuction procedures and excellent one-on-one training with Dr Robert Rhodes, Southern Utah’s most renowned plastic surgeon. He looks forward to helping you regain and maintain your health as well as set fitness goals and a lifestyle that will last a lifetime!


  • 1. Book your consultation online or call us at 435-680-3376

  • 2. Meet with the clinician to get analysis, answer questions and make a plan

  • 3. Get treatment same day or schedule your treatment appointment

You will notice results the same day! That being said, the swelling and total benefit will be better seen in approximately 90 days, especially when treating larger areas. During this time, we highly encourage wearing a compression garment that you will receive after the procedure as well as staying hydrated and walking to ensure proper healing and that your body maintains the ideal shape after the procedure.

Not surprisingly and just like the name implies, it works by inserting a small sterile cannula under the skin and aspirating or vacuuming out excess fat cells. Extremely small incisions are used to avoid infection or other cosmetic issues and when appropriate amounts of tissue are removed from certain areas the procedure is stopped. You will be awake during the entire procedure and able to converse with the staff. Although there is some sedation induced by oral medications, you will be able to direct the staff to anything that may be uncomfortable or any needs that you might have during the procedure. Most procedures last between two and three hours so you can come in the morning and be home easily by the afternoon.

Each and every client prior to liposuction is required to have a medical assessment. Passed medical history, sensitivities, and a host of other variables will be discussed to make sure that you are a good candidate for this procedure. Depending on your goals and the outcomes of your medical assessment, we would love to have you become part of our long list of satisfied clients who have been able to realize the benefits of liposuction.  

There are many places in the body that are available for fat to be removed and other areas for the fat to be transferred. While we understand the potential of this remarkable procedure, we limit our practice only to transferring fat from the body to the breasts. This procedure is ideal for women who want to slim down part of the body while adding volume to the bust.

Our clinic is located inside Ventana Medical Park at 230 N 1680 E #N, St. George, UT 84790

Our clinic is open by appointment Monday - Thursday, 9am to 5pm. 


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